
OSHGroup Corporate Psychology believes in training that creates lasting change, rather than programs that tick a box and are easily forgotten. We work collaboratively with organisations to ensure your training and coaching solutions are exactly what your employees need to thrive. Our training can be delivered in a variety of formats, tailored to your industry and operational requirements. 


Tailored, specific, evidence-based training and development activities help to keep your employees engaged, satisfied and working to their maximum potential.

  • OSHGroup Corporate Psychology believes in training that creates lasting change, rather than programs that tick a box and are easily forgotten. We work collaboratively with organisations to ensure your training solution is exactly what your employees need to thrive. Our training can be delivered in a variety of formats tailored to suit your operational requirements, including ‘lunch and learns’, half-day, full-day or two-day sessions.

    Available sessions include:

    Building Productive Relationships

    Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace

    Challenging Behaviours and De-escalation

    Constructive Feedback

    Difficult, Challenging and Courageous Conversations

    Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

    Guiding Principles

    High Performing Teams

    Mental Health Awareness for Employees

    Mental Health Awareness for Managers


    Motivational Interviewing

    Neuroscience of Leadership

    Organisational Change


    Selection Panel Training

    Sleep and Fatigue

    Solution Focused Brief Therapy

    Vicarious Trauma

    Please do not hesitate to contact our team to discuss your requirements.

  • Alta CP specialises in coaching based on personality and job/role fit and coaching for high performance. Coaching is a unique opportunity to have an objective, impartial sounding board, to help gain further insight and support the development of helpful, constructive and productive management and client engagement skills.

    Individual coaching typically runs for a minimum of four sessions and often begins with a personality assessment. Then, in collaboration with the coachee and their manager(s), our consultants will agree on specific performance and development goals, including how they will be implemented.

    To book an appointment, contact us

  • Our Leadership Development Program provides leaders with the tools they need to understand, assess and modify their strategy, judgment, communication, influence, innovation, and overall leadership to ensure optimum performance and results. Our programs are delivered in three stages, with additional services available to support specific employees or the development of the organisation.

  • Teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely untapped. However, if building an effective cohesive team were easy, all leaders and managers would do it! Building an effective and high performing team is simple, but hard. Teamwork requires courage, trust, accountability, vulnerability and persistence, as well as a certain level of self-awareness and influence. Our team development programs provide employees with a forum for getting to know each other better, new awareness and insights into personal and team dynamics and a common language for behaviour in the workplace.